Project eGov 2.0 Stack for Private/Public Cloud is #officially up #FOSS

The site for the project : eGov 2.0 Stack for Private/Public Cloud is up along with SVN and mailing list .Visit this link for other information :

eGov-2.0 Stack for Private/Public Clouds #project

Currently I am working on following  project ( Project Guide : Prof (Dr.) Yogesh Singh ) , which is almost complete except some testing that I need to execute (and some modules) before the final submission to the Guide.Also I am thinking seriously to open source it in Dec.  itself  if everything goes fine and according to the plan.

Project Proposal
eGov-2.0 Stack for Private/Public Clouds

Problem :
1.These days everything in the government offices are on files , but it is very hectic to maintain
archives of files as they grew in size.
2.NIC/CDAC/CDOT are the only organization fulfilling the e-gov need but still no one has tried hands on
the office automation + e-governance 2.0 (no vendor locks all open format)
3.An internal office suite (Web based preferred as it don’t have much hardware/software requirement
at the client site and less hardware/software means less viruses/malware/spam attack )
4.E-Mail , IM , Notes , Documents all from one browser window.
5. For Academic Institutions (Several Addons)
(i) E-Learning (Notes , Forums , Tests , Quizzes , Attendance , Grades , Chats , Blogs , Forum , and  Pay-Pal Gateway Integration)
(ii) Document Management
(iii) Integrated Library System
(iv) Online research paper repository
(v) CMS (Content Management System)
(vi) Blog
6.Paperless Office
7.Departmental Intranet Portal
9. Inventory

Solution ( Phase Wise Development )

1.Inventory Management System
2.Centralized Authentication System
3.Google Apps Integration
4.Group Applications
5. For Academic Institutions (Several Addons)
(i) E-Learning (Notes , Forums , Tests , Quizzes , Attendance , Grades , Chats , Blogs ,Forum , and  PayPal Gateway Integration)
(ii) Document Management
(iii) Integrated Library System
(iv) Online research paper repository
(v) CMS (Content Management System)
(vi) Blog
6.Intranet Applications
7.Accounting Software
8.Cloud Computing Compactness (Public/Private)
9.Paperless Office