This project is limited only to the preparation of the Software requirement Specification of the Integrated Enterprise resource Planing Software and the Software Planning.
ERP is one of the most widely implemented business software systems in a wide variety of industries and organizations. ERP is the acronym of Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is just not only a software. ERP definition refers to both; ERP software and business strategies that implement ERP systems.
Our (Integrated Enterprise Resource Planning ) IERP implementation utilizes Human Resource Management System , Payroll System , Finance System and other integrated applications to improve the performance of any organizations for
1) Resource Planning
2) Management Control
3) Operational Control.
Our IERP software consists of multiple component that integrate activities across functional departments – from production planning, parts purchasing, inventory control and product distribution to order tracking. Our IERP software systems include application modules to support common business activities like finance, accounting and human resources. These components interact together to achieve a common goal – streamline and improve organizations’ business processes.
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