The best to extract all the images from the .odt (openoffice) file in one go , is to right click on the file and then select extract here. Now go to the folder where the files are extracted and then move to the Pictures directory. All the images that you have embedded in the that file can be found here.
Tag: GNU/Linux
Installation of packages with No/Limited Internet Connectivity
Narendra Sisodiya has started a project named debbundle for the installation of the software on computers running deb based GNU/Linux but with NO/Limited internet connectivity.Although their are many other replacement for the project like aptoncd but the thing that make it unique it is that it is ported on SchoolOS by default.Now, I will be testing it in next couple of days incase I find some free time.
Debian V/s Ubuntu #debian is better :)
Presentation Transcript
- Is Debian better thenUbuntu ??????By : Gaurav Paliwal/me =
- This topic is even moredebatable then makingMark Zuckerberg theperson of the year and notJulian Assange
- Decide on your own afterthe “next” few slides……….
- 10.10 on ” 10/10/10” is“released” {with doublequotes}
- The very next momentnext door guy shouted ????
- Why ???
- That poor /next_door_guyuses i945 and radeonchipset
- The glamour of 101010 hasmade the i945 and radeonchipset bug digest in#canonical stomach
- You already have reason #1to ditch Ubuntu
- But why have an affair withDebian 😛 :3
- Reason #1Because its not Linux it isGNU/Linux
- Why you forget any distrobased on Linux kernel isLinux kernel + most of thebasic OS tools from theGNU project
- So, No Linux onlyGNU/Linux
- Reason #2Stability and Security
- Increased stability andsecurity testing.
- Debian is also one of thebest platform for servers{depends on you}.
- Debian {Stable} has nobleeding edge but itnonetheless functions well.
- If you want to use“Bleeding Edge” use theTesting repos and /you beset in no time.
- Not to forget DebianTesting and Unstable aremore “Stable” then thosewho claims to be stable
- Reason #2Debian is an absolutely freesoftware.
- follows all the philosophiesof the free softwarecommunity
- /me use Mozilla Firefox.Please close ur eyes fornext slide.
- they even rebranded theFirefox Iceweasel becausethe original Firefoxconsisted of a certain partthat was copyrighted.
- Reason #3Debian supported manyplatform
- Debian supported platform >>>>> Ubuntu supported platform
- Reason #4Debian is produced by anot-for-Profit firm
- Remember Reason #1 toditch Ubuntu“This eliminates anyloopholes in producingsubstandard products”
- Reason #5Debian is simpler to use.
- *Almost out-of-box*{Condition apply :P}
- Other personnel Reasons
- {Debra } G/F loves Debian{Ian Murdock } #1993
- Save your pocket money.
- The factUbuntu is the organizationwhich transferred the devilsinto human (#Linux) nowmake them Saint(#GNU/Linux)
- Father has moreexperience then Son
- Your Experience ????
- Others Experience Source
- Debian has the largest number of packages offered by any Linux distribution. – By Kushal Debian changes less:Debian’s upgrade system seems to be better and more suited for what I need in an operating system , as it doesn’t change as frequent as Ubuntu , this way I know its going to work and be stable if I upgrade to the next major release of Debian. -By Charliebrownau Ubuntu is too bloated and runs rather slowly on my pc. – By Nikhil Debian way surpasses Ubuntu on the type of architecture that it will run on. that is why i prefer debian. – By Sleepy. Debian is liberated – free as in freedom – from proprietary junk software. – By PeterThe debian can be used both for desktop, server & netbook. Ubuntu has different distro for different audience (desktop, server, netbook). – By Zahid Debian has been built by the community. Ubuntu was heavily funded. Nothing beats a solid committed community. It’s been estimated that if you were to pay to build Debian 4.0 it would cost around 10 billion dollars. That’s quite a community. – By Dan switching to debian because my friend kept calling me a noon for using ubuntu 😛 – By Hintss
- Are you ready for the#TRANSFORMATIONLinux to GNU/Linux Ubuntu to Debian
- Thanks for having the {HUGE} patience of listening to /me. /me =