E-Gov using free software #RMS_philosophy do’s and don’t

Presentation Transcript

  1. E-Gov using OpenSource Dos and Dont #ethics #business By : Gaurav Paliwal/me = http://www.gauravpaliwal.com
  2. What is actually E-Governance
  3. Say it Simple say it Loud
  4. A comfortable, transparent, and cheap interaction between government and citizens (G2C –government to citizens), government and business (G2B), and between government agencies (G2G). Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-governance
  5. RequirementOpps, I mistyped. Its Requirements πŸ™‚
  6. Requirement #1These days everything in the government offices are on files , but it is very hectic to maintain archives of files as they grew in size. So, Yes you are right first requirement is “PAPERLESS OFFICE”
  7. Solution #1Sorry, I dont have any answer to this, if the resultant is expected to be implemented on Indian {सरकारी तंतर}
  8. Solution #1If you find any solution for this please mail it to /me @ gaurav [AT]gauravpaliwal.com
  9. Requirement #2 An internal office suite(Web based preferred as it dont have much hardware/software requirement at the client site)
  10. Solution #2 Group-OfficeSource : http://www.group-office.com/
  11. Solution #2 See License TwiceIts distributed under the terms of the Affero General Public License (AGPL). If you dont want to be restricted by the AGPL license, you can offer a customized version of the Professional version to your customers.
  12. Requirement #3Departmental Intranet Portal
  13. Solution #3 DrupalLiferay ( Trillion time more loved by /me #Java_Love )
  14. Requirement #4E-Learning (Notes , Forums , Tests , Quizzes , Attendance , Grades , Chats , Blogs , Forum and Pay-Pal Gateway Integration)
  15. YesEven metro has a internal LMS Running.
  16. Solution #4What else then Moodle
  17. Solution #4 What else then Moodle http://moodle.org/Opps Java Based Sakai Also available http://sakaiproject.org/
  18. Requirement #5Document Management OR Online research paper repository
  19. Solution #5DSpace (Opps I cant think behind Java)
  20. Requirement #6 Blog
  21. Solution #6Who Beats : WordPress
  22. Requirement #7/#8/#9 # Accounting # Inventory # E-Tendering
  23. Solution #7Decide on your OWN πŸ™‚
  24. FinallyGet *everything bundled and packaged from : http://e-govstack.gauravpaliwal.com/ e-Gov 2.0 Stack for Public/Private Clouds * = Condition Apply πŸ™‚
  25. Questions ?
  26. Best of luck for making the e of e-Gov as Earning πŸ™‚ #freelance
  27. Is it that Easy ?? No , Its Not.
  28. Why ????
  29. Reason #1No , proprietorship if you are aiming big….
  30. Reason #2“tenders” bula rahe hai πŸ™‚
  31. Reason #3DGSND Calling πŸ™‚ Attack the core #Hardware
  32. Reason #4Respect and accept the M$ #criteria
  33. Reason #5Business Ethics {NOCOMMENTS}
  34. Reason #6Dont solve Requirement…….Solve Problem πŸ™‚
  35. Reason #7They love to live on land , Not on the Clouds
  36. Reason #7They have an affair with #NIC , Respect that relationship and Dont burn your hands
  37. Reason #8Start doing Yoga πŸ™‚ The only way to keep frustration of loosing tenders by <3000/- margin πŸ˜› /me – victim of the above
  38. Thanks/me = http://gauravpaliwal.com

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