Midterm Evaluations results processed for General Feedback Mechanism

Atlast, I managed to pass the midterm evaluation 🙂 and I expect to do more code contribution after midterm because now I am much *more familiar* with OpenMRS module architecture as compared to what I know before the first half started :).A thanks to Ben Wolfe , Burke , Michael and whole OpenMRS family for their great support 🙂 all this wouldn’t have made real without their support :).

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 12:46 AM
Subject: Midterm Evaluations results processed for General Feedback Mechanism
To: xxxxx@gmail.com
Cc: xxxxx@openmrs.org, xxxxx@openmrs.org,xxxx@gmail.com

Hi Gaurav Paliwal,

We have processed the evaluation for your project named General Feedback Mechanism with OpenMRS.

Congratulations, from our data it seems that you have successfully passed the Midterm Evaluations. Please contact your mentor to discuss the results of your evaluation and to plan your goals and development plan for the rest of the program

The Google Open Source Programs Team

#FDBK #OpenMRS #GSoC Minimal Version Ready

So, at finally we have the *very minimal* General Feedback Module #FDBK[0] ready , thanks to great help from my mentor Ben Wolfe[1] as well as the whole OpenMRS[2] community. The very basic module is ready.The source code can be browsed here[3].The omod file is attached here , also do not to forget to apply the attached patch to the headerFull.jsp file that is under <OpenMRS-Directory>/WEB-INF/template/ .

If you are using MySQL then their is a greater possibility that this will run 😀 .

Please give your valuable feedback regarding the same.

Area which are still under work and are not completed:

1. Stack Trace.
2. Attachment of files.
3. Ability to forward the *BUG* to the JIRA instance .

[0] : https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/projects/General+Feedback+Mechanism+%28Implementation+Ideas%29
[1] : http://twitter.com/#!/bawolfe
[2] : http://openmrs.org/help/
[3] : https://source.openmrs.org/browse/Modules/feedback/trunk

Attachment :

OMOD : http://gauravpaliwal.com/newheaderfull.patch
Patch : http://gauravpaliwal.com/feedback-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.omod

#GSoC Stats #OpenMRS

These are some of the statistics of the work that I have done till now in #GSoC2011 taken from https://source.openmrs.org/user/gauravpaliwal
First commit 18 May 2011
Latest commit 15 June 2011

Last Week     All Time
Commits:           4                  14
Files changed:    83                345
Change in LOC:  342               2,880

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