In this small tutorial I am going to show you how hibernate mapping file is can be created when a SQL relation is given to you.
Let us say you have the following :
CREATE TABLE `feedback_feedback` (
`feedback_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`creator` int(11) NOT NULL,
`subject` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`content` varchar(5000) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`severity` varchar(25) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`comment` varchar(5000) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`status` varchar(25) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`date_created` date NOT NULL,
`date_changed` date DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`feedback_id`)
and follwoing POJO :
import java.util.Date;
Pojo file for feedback_feedback relation in Feedback Module
public class FeedbackFeedback implements {
private Integer feedbackId;
private int creator;
private String subject;
private String content;
private String severity;
private String comment;
private String status;
private Date dateCreated;
private Date dateChanged;
Default no arguement constructor
public FeedbackFeedback() {
Constructor with all arguments
public FeedbackFeedback(int creator, String subject, String content, String severity, Date dateCreated) {
this.creator = creator;
this.subject = subject;
this.content = content;
this.severity = severity;
this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
Default constructor with arguments that can’t be Null
public FeedbackFeedback(int creator, String subject, String content, String severity, String comment, String status, Date dateCreated, Date dateChanged) {
this.creator = creator;
this.subject = subject;
this.content = content;
this.severity = severity;
this.comment = comment;
this.status = status;
this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
this.dateChanged = dateChanged;
public Integer getFeedbackId() {
return this.feedbackId;
public void setFeedbackId(Integer feedbackId) {
this.feedbackId = feedbackId;
public int getCreator() {
return this.creator;
public void setCreator(int creator) {
this.creator = creator;
public String getSubject() {
return this.subject;
public void setSubject(String subject) {
this.subject = subject;
public String getContent() {
return this.content;
public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;
public String getSeverity() {
return this.severity;
public void setSeverity(String severity) {
this.severity = severity;
public String getComment() {
return this.comment;
public void setComment(String comment) {
this.comment = comment;
public String getStatus() {
return this.status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public Date getDateCreated() {
return this.dateCreated;
public void setDateCreated(Date dateCreated) {
this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
public Date getDateChanged() {
return this.dateChanged;
public void setDateChanged(Date dateChanged) {
this.dateChanged = dateChanged;
Now you want to create a Hibernate Mapping file for the above given relation then the hibernate mapping file will look somehow like this (explanation is given at the end for important elements) :
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC “-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN” ““>
<hibernate-mapping package=”” >
<class name=”” table=”feedback_feedback” >
<id name=”feedbackId” type=”java.lang.Integer”>
<column name=”feedback_id” />
<generator />
<property name=”creator” type=”int”>
<column name=”creator” not-null=”true” />
<property name=”subject” type=”string”>
<column name=”subject” not-null=”true” />
<property name=”content” type=”string”>
<column name=”content” length=”5000″ not-null=”true” />
<property name=”severity” type=”string”>
<column name=”severity” length=”25″ not-null=”true” />
<property name=”comment” type=”string”>
<column name=”comment” length=”5000″ />
<property name=”status” type=”string”>
<column name=”status” length=”25″ />
<property name=”dateCreated” type=”date”>
<column name=”date_created” length=”10″ not-null=”true” />
<property name=”dateChanged” type=”date”>
<column name=”date_changed” length=”10″ />
Comments :
1. <class name=”” table=”feedback_feedback” >
This name element tells to which of the POJO class your relation is mapped , and table elements tells which relation you are currently referring to.
2. <id name=”feedbackId” type=”java.lang.Integer”>
This tell which object in the class you are referring to and its data type. id tag tell it is a primary key.
3. <column name=”feedback_id” />
This tell to which attribute in relation your class object will be mapped
4. <generator />
This tell generator element tells how that element value will be generated.
5. <property name=”severity” type=”string”>
This tell which object in the class you are referring to and its data type.This is just a atribute in table not a primary key.
For more detailed view see the official page :