2011 Indian anti-corruption Movement

Recently, I visited the Ramlila Maiden where the India’s biggest peaceful protest of 21st century is going, some snaps are here : http://gauravpaliwal.snapixel.com/set_5219 .A wiki page about this even is here ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Indian_anti-corruption_movement ). This movement is lead by Anna Hazare ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Hazare ). Anna is a retired Army men who had served country in more then 2+ wars.He had changed a very poor village into India’s richest village, a village with 0% carbon emission and even self sustained electricity producers. They are advance village of 21st century which is also Eco-friendly. The 74 year old person is on hunger strike to give us a good Janlokpal bill ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Lokpal_Bill ) whereas government want a lokpal bill that is not capable of handling corrupt politicians.

I support Anna !!

Request for Feedback of Feedback Module

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Gaurav Paliwal <gauravpaliwal@xxx.org>
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 6:48 PM
Subject: Request for Feedback of Feedback Module
To: OpenMRS Implementers <implementers@xxx.org>
Cc: Ben Wolfe <bwolfe@xxx.org>, Burke Mamlin <burke@xxx.org>
Hi,I have been working this summer in the mentorship of Ben Wolfe, Burke Mamlin and the whole developer community on the General Feedback Mechanism Module.

Overview :

This module provides a mechanism for users to communicate with system supporters/admins with system-related (not patient-specific) messages. For example:

  • “The system is running much slower than usual today.”
  • “We need a diagnosis term for Sarcoidosis.”
  • “This system would be better if I could more easily find my patient’s lab results.”
    and eventually:
  • “I tried to select BOB SMITH and got this error” (with screenshot and a snapshot of recent log exceptions attached)

There is a ubiquitously available link in the upper right near the Help link. A “Feedback” link pops up a simple form.  When feedback is submitted, the user receives confirmation and the feedback is forwarded to the system administrator. The administrator can respond and act on feedback from the administration screen.

Others details are following :

It would be a matter of real pride for me if you could provide feedback and I could further improve upon this module even after the GSoC period.

Note: Their are some issues with Stack Trace else it is working fine.Hoping to get opportunity to *SQUASH* bugs 🙂

Presentation of eGov Stack 2.0 for IBMDSC

This is the presentation that I gave in IBM Developer Superstar competition 2nd round , although the presentation **was not that good** but still sharing it.

Also this is the awesome id card that I got for the day of presentation (No entry in IBM Noida facility without ID card 🙁 ) :  Although the presentation is ***not that good*** but this card is still worth to be shared 😛 :

My New ISP

After watching a series of serious problem with Sify as my ISP especially with their DNS and worst support for Linux , I migrated to new ISP. It offers a actual download speed of 48kbps (On a connection that is 392kbps) and 60+kbps upload speed *SIMULTANEOUSLY* unlike Sify .Here are few screenshots attached of their user control panel :).