FF4 release party #Manav_Rachna

Today on 15 April 2011, I went to the Firefox4 release party in Manav Rachna International University . Prashant was the main person behind this wonderful firefox4 release party event. Me and Narendra reached the college around 11 am.The crowd was electrifying as well as very enthusiastic. First Prashant has given an talk about the firefox4 and new features of firefox4. After that their was a web quiz and Mozilla goodies was given to those who have answered the question. Then it was my talk on FOSS for Academic Institutions which can be found here : http://blog.gauravpaliwal.com/foss-for-college-infrastructure .After their there was cake cutting ceremony and snacks party.Then Narendra discussed various aspects of FOSS in details and student clarified their doubts.


At 3:30 pm event was over then four of us (me , Narendra , Prashant and another person whose name I don’t remember ) have a great discussion session for more then 2 hours outside the college.

FOSS for College #Infrastructure

Given a small interactive session in Manav Rachna University’s Firefox 4 release party on FOSS for College Infrastructure.

Slide Transcript :

  1. FOSS for Academic Institutions Infrastructure By : Gaurav Paliwal Http://gauravpaliwal.com IRC Nick : gauravpaliwal
  2. Why ?What ?How ?When ?
  3. Why ?
  4. Reason 1Save Resources Wastage : eResources resourceCenter.optimize(true)
  5. Reason 2 Better Manageabilityauthentication.SSO(true)
  6. Reason 3Go greenerpaperless++ ;
  7. Reason 4 $$–
  8. Reason 5Decrease the efforts manHours– ;
  9. What ?
  10. Solution 1Research Paper Repository DSpaceusers : IGNOU/IIT/IISc/MIT
  11. Solution 2Off Campus Resource Sharing Utilize Resources to Fullest VPN/Squid
  12. Solution 3 Single Sign OnEase of use for usersopenLDAP/Shibboleth
  13. Solution 4 ILSKoha or NeGenLibUsers : DPL/IGNOU
  14. Solution 5 LMS Moodle or Sakai orBhraspati <<BRAVERY REQUIRED>> Users : IIT-D
  15. Solution 6.1 Scientific ComputingSLIM Server is okey okey
  16. Solution 6.2 Scientific ComputingA great example of it can be seen in ANDC (Delhi University)
  17. Solution 7General Administration Fedena http://projectfedena.org/
  18. Solution 8Collaboration Platform Mahara http://mahara.org/
  19. Solution 9Communication Platform Many.
  20. Solution 10 CMSAgain Many.
  21. Solution 11CoursewareMoodle/Sakai
  22. Solution 12 HRMOrange is the color.
  23. How ?
  24. Solution Student + Faculty + Administrationhttp://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20091116/expressintelligententerprise05.shtml
  25. When ?
  26. SolutionWhen there is no Admin “FRICTION”
  27. Questions !!

E-Gov using free software #RMS_philosophy do’s and don’t

Presentation Transcript

  1. E-Gov using OpenSource Dos and Dont #ethics #business By : Gaurav Paliwal/me = http://www.gauravpaliwal.com
  2. What is actually E-Governance
  3. Say it Simple say it Loud
  4. A comfortable, transparent, and cheap interaction between government and citizens (G2C –government to citizens), government and business (G2B), and between government agencies (G2G). Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-governance
  5. RequirementOpps, I mistyped. Its Requirements πŸ™‚
  6. Requirement #1These days everything in the government offices are on files , but it is very hectic to maintain archives of files as they grew in size. So, Yes you are right first requirement is “PAPERLESS OFFICE”
  7. Solution #1Sorry, I dont have any answer to this, if the resultant is expected to be implemented on Indian {सरकारी तंतर}
  8. Solution #1If you find any solution for this please mail it to /me @ gaurav [AT]gauravpaliwal.com
  9. Requirement #2 An internal office suite(Web based preferred as it dont have much hardware/software requirement at the client site)
  10. Solution #2 Group-OfficeSource : http://www.group-office.com/
  11. Solution #2 See License TwiceIts distributed under the terms of the Affero General Public License (AGPL). If you dont want to be restricted by the AGPL license, you can offer a customized version of the Professional version to your customers.
  12. Requirement #3Departmental Intranet Portal
  13. Solution #3 DrupalLiferay ( Trillion time more loved by /me #Java_Love )
  14. Requirement #4E-Learning (Notes , Forums , Tests , Quizzes , Attendance , Grades , Chats , Blogs , Forum and Pay-Pal Gateway Integration)
  15. YesEven metro has a internal LMS Running.
  16. Solution #4What else then Moodle
  17. Solution #4 What else then Moodle http://moodle.org/Opps Java Based Sakai Also available http://sakaiproject.org/
  18. Requirement #5Document Management OR Online research paper repository
  19. Solution #5DSpace (Opps I cant think behind Java)
  20. Requirement #6 Blog
  21. Solution #6Who Beats : WordPress
  22. Requirement #7/#8/#9 # Accounting # Inventory # E-Tendering
  23. Solution #7Decide on your OWN πŸ™‚
  24. FinallyGet *everything bundled and packaged from : http://e-govstack.gauravpaliwal.com/ e-Gov 2.0 Stack for Public/Private Clouds * = Condition Apply πŸ™‚
  25. Questions ?
  26. Best of luck for making the e of e-Gov as Earning πŸ™‚ #freelance
  27. Is it that Easy ?? No , Its Not.
  28. Why ????
  29. Reason #1No , proprietorship if you are aiming big….
  30. Reason #2“tenders” bula rahe hai πŸ™‚
  31. Reason #3DGSND Calling πŸ™‚ Attack the core #Hardware
  32. Reason #4Respect and accept the M$ #criteria
  33. Reason #5Business Ethics {NOCOMMENTS}
  34. Reason #6Dont solve Requirement…….Solve Problem πŸ™‚
  35. Reason #7They love to live on land , Not on the Clouds
  36. Reason #7They have an affair with #NIC , Respect that relationship and Dont burn your hands
  37. Reason #8Start doing Yoga πŸ™‚ The only way to keep frustration of loosing tenders by <3000/- margin πŸ˜› /me – victim of the above
  38. Thanks/me = http://gauravpaliwal.com

Project eGov 2.0 Stack for Private/Public Cloud is #officially up #FOSS

The site for the project : eGov 2.0 Stack for Private/Public Cloud is up along with SVN and mailing list .Visit this link for other information :
