FF4 release party #Manav_Rachna

Today on 15 April 2011, I went to the Firefox4 release party in Manav Rachna International University . Prashant was the main person behind this wonderful firefox4 release party event. Me and Narendra reached the college around 11 am.The crowd was electrifying as well as very enthusiastic. First Prashant has given an talk about the firefox4 and new features of firefox4. After that their was a web quiz and Mozilla goodies was given to those who have answered the question. Then it was my talk on FOSS for Academic Institutions which can be found here : http://blog.gauravpaliwal.com/foss-for-college-infrastructure .After their there was cake cutting ceremony and snacks party.Then Narendra discussed various aspects of FOSS in details and student clarified their doubts.


At 3:30 pm event was over then four of us (me , Narendra , Prashant and another person whose name I don’t remember ) have a great discussion session for more then 2 hours outside the college.