Integrated Railway Information System


At present there is no method by which a passenger can be informed of the next approaching station. This results in lack of information with the passenger and creates anxiety especially during night hours. This integrated railway information System is designed to solve the above mentioned problem by not only informing the Railway passengers about the next coming station but also for railways by generating the huge revenues for then by showing the advertisements.This System is designed especially for Indian Railway it can be easily implemented in the Indian Railways.

The project software interface for integrated railway information system is an integrated application .This software not only connects to the GPS satellites but also process the received raw data and convert it into the user friendly information which is understandable by the general public i.e. passengers in the train.

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DSpace Installation

This article is from the DSpace Official Documentation.Hope you also Like It…….


This method gets you up and running with DSpace quickly and easily. It is identical in both the Default Release and

Source Release distributions.

1. Create the DSpace user. This needs to be the same user that Tomcat (or Jetty etc) will run as. e.g. as root run:

useradd -m dspace

2. Download the latest DSpace release [] and unpack it. Although there are two

available releases ( and, you only need to

choose one. If you want a copy of all underlying Java source code, you should download the dspace-1.x-srcrelease.

zip release.


For ease of reference, we will refer to the location of this unzipped version of the DSpace release as [dspacesource]

in the remainder of these instructions.

3. Database Setup

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Slim Server

This is my first blog so, don’t expect my blog to be free from english mistakes because technical guys are generally weak in communication and litreary .This first blog is about how to install the SLIM server which stands from Single Linux Image Management.Basically this is a article which I really found very much interested as a FOSS Lover……………..

A. Introduction

A Linux cluster is considered a single system which consists of a set of tightly coupled machines called nodes. In many cases, it is locked inside a room and people access it remotely via the network. Usually nodes are individually installed with the Linux OS manually. This creates much setup burden when the number of nodes is large.

SLIM (Single Linux Image Management) is a solution developed by the Department of Computer Science of HKU to ease the deployment and management of large-scale networked Linux systems. One of the goals of SLIM is to reduce the setup burden. This workshop teaches you how to setup, administer, and manage a SLIM environment for cluster computing. More information about SLIM can be found at the website

The SLIM environment consists of a SLIM server to provide shared system resources via the network to the client PCs. Client PCs known as cluster nodes use network booting to start the Linux system locally.

In this workshop, we will use the Fedora Core 2 Linux distribution to setup the SLIM server to serve all the cluster nodes connected in a network. Figure 1 depicts the specific network topology we will use in this workshop.

The SLIM server is on the private network. The IP address of the SLIM server is This is the simplest form of the SLIM environment network. But it is powerful enough to build a Linux Cluster having tens of cluster nodes.

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